Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A little girl,so bold

Little girl is she only of twelve years old
It is a wonder to see her fighting so bold
Good in studies,a student so smart
In any function of dance or drama
She will be the one to take always a part
She is witty,full of fun
managing to keep the class always on run

Regular in school,attentive in class

She is always to score marks with plus
Brilliant in everything she draws or paints
giving teachers not a single chance to complain

She is not an ordinary girl of twelve years old

She is invincible,she is bold
Showing us how to combat with ease
a killing,life-threatening disease
having gone through nine sessions of chemos
she gives inspiration and courage to the demos
How to stay happy even in the face of death
Living life fully to its last breath.


[This poem is dedicated to Amrita,my most favoruite student suffering from lukemia]

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